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How to Prevent Aging Vision: Glasses or Eye Exercises for Presbyopia?

Aging vision (or presbyopia) occurs over the age of 40. It can expose an existing predisposition towards farsightedness, which makes close up objects blurry.

If you are affected by aging vision – fear not. It may be possible to prevent aging vision with eye exercises. This article will explain how you may be able to save your vision from any further deterioration as you age and delay potentially blinding vision disorders like macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts.

What Are The Causes of Aging Vision?

Presbyopia is the hardening of the lens and tightening of the eye muscles, often associated with aging. This inflexibility reduces the ciliary muscle’s ability to change the shape of the lens to focus on near point objects.

It is different from hyperopia (farsightedness), which is caused by the eyeball being too short, focusing light rays at a point behind the retina.

If you suffer from aging vision, you have two options to correct your eyesight:

  1. Glasses / contact lenses
  2. Eye exercises

Note: Laser eye surgery is NOT suitable for treating aging vision. People who have LASIK to treat an underlying condition of farsightedness still need to wear reading glasses after the age of 45. Read my full breakdown of hyperopia and LASIK.

I’ll now briefly compare the two available treatment options:

1. Treating Aging Vision with Reading Glasses

Reading glasses work by refracting the light differently into your eye and creating a sharp image on the retina, enabling you to see clearly.

But glasses merely correct aging vision on a superficial level. It’s like slapping on a band-aid to hide the wound underneath.

Actually, it’s worse than that, because a band-aid actually has a purpose in protecting the wound while it heals. In contrast, wearing glasses serves no purpose in improving your vision on a fundamental level. Indeed, corrective lenses have been scientifically documented to make eyesight worse:

In my opinion, wearing glasses is not a true solution for treating aging vision. It merely masks the problem and risks further deterioration. In later life, a third of people who wear lenses end up with one or more serious eye diseases by the time they are 70 years old, simply because their natural vision is so poor.

2. Treating Aging Vision with Eye Exercises

Eye exercises work by stimulating integral components of the eye in a manner that is not achieved through normal daily use. Within days or weeks, you can notice first-hand improvements in your natural vision.

In my story, I explain how I improved my long distance vision using an eye exercise program called Rebuild Your Vision. I also completely cured my astigmatism. The same eye exercise program can be used to treat aging vision.

According to Rebuild Your Vision, the aging eye becomes hard and inflexible, making it harder to create a sharp focus. Eye exercises teach you to work these muscles and keep them functioning naturally as you age, so that you can see clearly without glasses. Learn more here.

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